美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75G.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75P.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC.微晶蜡Microcrystalline Wax, SP-18,NF.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC.微晶蜡Microcrystalline Wax, SP-19,NF.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-173P,NF.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-1275P,NF.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-173,NF.
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-1275,NF.
上海临辰医药科技有限公司 代理销售药用蜡:药用巴西棕榈蜡,白蜂蜡,黄蜂蜡,小烛树蜡,微晶蜡,石蜡, 美国史东毕斯公司,微晶蜡Microcrystalline Wax, SP-18,NF.湖南供应白蜂蜡

INCI: MIcrocrystalline
CAS #: 63231-60-7
EINECS #: 264-038-1
Country of origin: USA
Composition: 100%
Test | Method | Specification |
Color | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | Passes Test |
Melting Point | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | NF= 54 - 102 °C / SP-18NF= 73.9 - 79.4 °C |
Consistency | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | NF= 3 - 100 / SP-18NF= 55- 75 |
Acidity | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | Passes Test |
Alkalinity | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | Passes Test |
Residue on Ignition | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | NMT 0.1% |
Residual Solvents | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | None Detected |
Organic Acids | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | Passes Test |
Fixed Oils, Fats, and Rosin | Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph | Passes Test |

巴西棕榈蜡曾用于制备耐胃酸的微球。[1]其它:***用皮革等工业。酸值取本品,精密称定,置250ml烧瓶中,加二甲苯100ml,加热至完全溶解,加乙醇50ml和溴麝香草酚蓝指示液,加热使澄清后,趁热用乙醇制氢氧化钾滴定液()滴至绿色,并将滴定结果用空白试验校正。酸值(中国药典2005年版二部附录ⅦH)应为2~7。皂化值编辑取样品,精密称定,置250ml烧瓶中,加异丙醇-甲苯(5:4)混合液50ml,精密加入,加热回流3小时,加酚酞指示液1ml,趁热用盐酸滴定液()滴定剩余的碱,至溶液红色刚好褪去,加热至沸,如溶液又出现红色,再滴定至红色刚好褪去,并将滴定结果用空白试验校正。皂化值(中国药典2005年版二部附录ⅦH)应为78~95。鉴别取本品约,加*5ml,加热溶解,作为供试品溶液(趁热点样)。另取薄荷醇、麝香草酚各约10mg及乙酸薄荷酯10μl,置20ml量瓶中,加甲苯稀释至刻度,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(中国药典2005年版二部附录VB)试验,吸取供试品溶液6μl,对照品溶液2μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以乙酸乙酯-*(2:98)为展开剂,展开后,取出,晾干。 STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 巴西棕榈蜡 Carnauba Wax SP-63XFP。

White Beeswax, NF
White Beeswax, NF
SP-422P is one of our flagship white beeswaxes and suitable for food, pharmaceutical, personal care, and nutraceutical industries along with hundreds of applications.
Strahl & Pitsch, LLC is the leading global refiner of Beeswax, producing White and Yellow Grades of Beeswax, certified to the current USP/NF Monograph, Food Chemicals Codex, and other compendium.
Benefits include:
High binding strength
Pronounced plasticity
Excellent emulsifiability
Emollient base
Gelling agent
Viscosity modifier
Improves structure, oil retention, and pay-off for stick applications
Forms Available:
Beeswax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.
STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75P.NF.四川经销石蜡史东毕斯
美国史东毕斯公司, 黄蜂蜡Yellow Beeswax, SP-6G,NF。湖南供应白蜂蜡
Microcrystalline Wax
Microcrystalline Wax, NF
Microcrystalline waxes are derived from residium. These waxes have very minute crystals (micro-crystals) and are flexible. They have a greater affinity for oil, which is held tightly in the crystalline lattice and does not migrate to the surface.
Microcrystalline Waxes are produced in a variety of melt points, colors, and penetration values. They will add a sensorial benefit to a formulation while improving oil retention.
Oil Retention
- Penetration Modifier
- Viscosity Modifier
- Plasticizer
- Melting Point Modifier
Water Repellant
Forms Available:
Microcrystalline Wax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.
上海临辰医药科技有限公司 代理销售药用蜡:药用巴西棕榈蜡,白蜂蜡,黄蜂蜡,小烛树蜡,微晶蜡,石蜡, 湖南供应白蜂蜡
文章来源地址: http://yyby.m.chanpin818.com/zyfl/deta_21122066.html
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